Everything you need to know about starting the information product marketing business
Your Easy Guide To Creating And Marketing Your First Information Product
Before I go any further, let me introduce myself properly. My name Is Aderonke Bamidele. Popularly known as the Infopreneur Queen. Award winning Information Entrepreneur.
You must have heard about me before now, but just in case you haven’t. At least now you do. I am the owner of Aspiring Internet Millionaires Forum (www.asimforum.com).
Let Me Tell You Some Of The Businesses I Do Online.
I’m into blogging, Information product marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, web designing, and some other stuff that brings in money.
I work full-time online for a living. Graduated with a B.Sc. in Geology, holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom and I’m married with two beautiful kids.
I also run a foundation titled ‘Infopreneur Queen Foundation’. It is not a charity organization but I dedicated it to helping people and empowering them using the internet.
Every week, a lot of people have become my student and set up their own successful online empires.
I never hurry to publish a piece of information. I do a lot of research, find new methods, and apply them and If I’m successful, I tell others about it.
That is exactly what I am doing right now. Yes! I am here to show you how to make a sustainable income online creating and selling digital products. A business that is popularly known as information marketing business.
Robert Allen, one of the world’s most foremost information marketer once called information marketing business the easiest and fastest means of making money on the internet and I believe him.
You See,
With information marketing business, you do not need to have any prior experience or skill. You do not need to sell your personal belongings in order to get started because, it requires very little start up capital.
In fact I am going to reveal to you how to create your first hot-selling information product without spending up to $100.
Oh Yes! I Will….
You don’t even need to be a University graduate (we’ve seen high school drop outs who are making a very good living with information marketing).
You don’t need to rent a shop because you can carry out your information marketing business from the privacy of your bedroom, so long you have a valid e-mail address, a bank account and access to the internet.
So What Is Information Product Marketing?
Information marketing involves creating a product, packaging them in the form of an eBook, CD, Video tutorial, Manual, online courses, etc. and selling them online.
Remember, everyone surfing the internet is seeking information on one thing or the other, and if you can just provide a solution to what is giving them sleepless night, they will be willing and ready to empty their bank accounts just to purchase that information from you.
You can sell your ideas, expertise, hobbies and skills.
You may even decide to create a product on the topic that interests you the most. It may be on
- Dating
- How to make money online
- How to win Government contract
- How to cure premature ejaculation
- How to pass an interview
- How to write an effective resume
- How to travel abroad etc.
My own favorite way of packaging information product is through an e-book, simply because it is easy, more profitable and super fast in delivery.
If you want to deliver the product manually, you only need to send the product inform of an e-mail message, attach the product you are selling and it gets delivered instantly.
If you want to automate the entire process by accepting online payments on your website which is really an added advantage because, once your buyers insert their credit/debit card details, they will be able to download the product themselves, your money would just keep on piling up even while you sleep.
N.B: e-Book stands for an Electronic Book. It is the same as a hard-copy book. The only difference is that, the pages can only be viewed on a computer. Just like we have a hardware and a software, e-book is a soft-copy while the books they sell in bookshops are the hard-copies.
It can be converted into a hard-copy once you print out its pages from a computer.
Gone are the days when you need to go through series of publishers before you can produce a book, now you can produce and publish your book online without having to go through any publisher.
I am guessing your next question would be Aderonke, I cannot write, how will I be able to make money with information marketing?
My guess was right after all, that is exactly where the problem is, not everybody can write.
Now, don’t start getting scared yet…. I could tell I was losing you with that statement…
Hold On A Second,
There is an easy way out and I’ll show you.
You can actually create your own hot-selling information product without writing a word!
How am I able to do this?
Good question!
I’ll explain to you
You can do this by making use of information product that has been created by other people. You don’t believe me right ?
Ok, let me make it more crystal clear to you.
There are several e-Books with full resell rights and private label rights flying all over the internet, they are available on any topic you can think of.
When you buy a product with full resell rights, it means that the producer or creator legally permits you to resell it as if it’s yours and keep 100 percent of whatever profit that you have made.
In the same vein, when you buy a product with private label rights, it means that you can remove the original creator of such a product and put your own name as if the product was created by you. Oh yes! you can, it is also legal to do so.
You get the drift now?
So what are you waiting for? You can actually start your information product marketing business right away.
And Do You Know What Is Even More Amazing?
It is the profit potential of this business, let me explain
If you buy a product with full resell right at $50, and with the marketing strategies that I am going to reveal to you, you are able to sell 200 copies at just $30. Now, let’s do the math… 200X30= $6,000
Did You See That? Six thousand dollars!
That means you can make a killing profit of $6,000 on a product that you spent just $50 to purchase.
Now tell me, what kind of offline business can give you such a profit?
Not only that, you will continue to make money from this product for as long as you live, and you can have as many products as you like that you are selling. That is nobody’s business.
It may sound too good to be true, but it’s true and 100 percent proven. What you don’t know costs you money.
And to prove this to you…
I Would Show You Some Of My Past Income From This Business Including The Recent One. It Is Very Important You Know That I Don’t Just Talk The Talk, I Also Walk The Walk…
ACCOUNT NUMBER – 0122757162
OCTOBER 8, 2015
ACCOUNT NUMBER – 0122757162
BANK NAME – GTBANK, 0122757162
203,000 IN JUST 24HOURS
5TH JUNE, 2017
My Recent Income From This Business
I’ll Stop Here For Now Because Of Space
I am not showing you my credit alerts just to intimidate you. Not at all! We are not here for that. The major reason why we are here is to teach you step-by-step how to achieve greater or similar success with the information product marketing business.
If you want to turn your Knowledge, Talent, Experiences, Passion, and Interest into an endless flow of income, CREATE YOUR DIGITAL PRODUCT and share your expertise with the world.
If you want to build an online business that sells…Here is the sure-fire niche no one is telling you about. You too can start your own information product marketing business and make lots of money from it daily as I do.
For you to be able to set up your own cash-generating information marketing business like mine, I have therefore made available for you detailed, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand step-by-step training guides on how you can make millions monthly selling your ideas, expertise, hobbies, and skills on the internet.
You will also discover how to create your own information products without writing a word. If you follow all my instructions in this training package, you will start getting credit alerts from your bank like mine above.
This Training Package Reveals First Class Coaching On How To Create Your Own Hot-Selling Information Product Even If You Don’t Know How To Write. You Will Discover How To Set Up Your Own Cash Generating Business With Information Product Marketing.
This simple and easy-to-read training package with relevant videos, pictures, and illustrations will show you…How to start your information marketing business from the scratch.
Information Product Marketing Business eBook
Traffic Generation Ebook (Step by Step Guide On How to advertise on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You will also discover how to promote your ebooks for free on the internet)
Email marketing secrets (How to create your first email marketing campaign for free and how to market your digital product using email marketing).
Relevant Video Tutorials
This package comes with easy-to-understand relevant video tutorials on some of the topics covered in this package.
Sales Letter Templates
As a bonus, you will get instant access to download some of my premium sales letter templates that you can edit and add your own content.
Getting Started
You will discover what you need to put in place in order to create a successful information product. This is a very important aspect of your business.
How to brainstorm profitable topics to sell and 22 hot digital product ideas you can create and sell online to make instant cash.
How to research the market to know the type of product to sell and how to get relevant information on any topic of your choice
eBook Creation
How to create your first ebook, ebook cover, and where to get quality PLR, master resell rights, and resale rights products.
Sales Page Creation
How to create an order pulling sales letter, how to select a suitable domain name and how to set up your website to sell your information product.
Uploading Your Website
How to upload your website online and provide a download link where people can access your product after a successful purchase.
Delivery Process
How to integrate an online payment method on your site and make money while you sleep by automating the entire delivery process.
Payment Methods
Various options you can use to receive payments for your information product both locally and internationally,
Product Protection
How to protect your digital goods from piracy, various tactics to use and safely deliver your information products.
Traffic Generation
How to promote your information products on Google, Facebook, Instagram&Twitter. Email marketing secrets to build an email list.

High-quality information SPECIFICALLY for making money from information product marketing business. This isn’t just some boiler-plate collection of answers or rehashed garbage found on the internet that has been sold to you in the past by the so-called GURUS.
Everything is explained in pure English, with pictures and illustrations where necessary. Quick and easy to absorb, but most importantly, an effective solution for generating, multiple streams of income on the internet through information product marketing business.
My First Class Coaching on Information Product Marketing Is a brilliant start-up guide for anyone, looking to set up a highly profitable home-based business, because, it contains a wealth of advice and guidance on virtually every aspect of making money with information product marketing business.
By subscribing to this training package, you will be able to rapidly increase your earnings and cut down on your investments in time because, this course is loaded with full practical knowledge and experience that would help minimize your investment, effort and speed up the rate of return in no time.
And If You Think You Can Get Started On Your Own In This Business Opportunity Without My Mentorship
As far as this business is concerned, you need an expert guideline in getting started. This is the reason why some people would struggle for years without making headway in this business. If you want to start seeing good results within the shortest time possible, MY MENTORSHIP IN THIS LIFE-CHANGING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IS THE BEST WAY TO GO!
I strongly recommend that you explore all the resources in this package, in order to get a broad overview of the techniques, topics, and services that are crucial to your success.

- I am always available to coach and guide you, as you start this business. You can call or text me if you need my assistance in any area.
- You have free access to my e-mail assistance 24/7 and you’ll always get a prompt response from me.
- Freephone consultation services, you can call me and ask questions on any area that you are having issues with.
- You will get to benefit from my several years of investments and experience in this business.
I have done all the research, I have taken all the risks for you, you won’t have to go through any trial and error before you start seeing good results in this business opportunity.
Please if you have any questions, testimonials, comments, or suggestions, kindly send me an email at aderonkebams88@gmail.com, I’ll respond to it promptly.
Well, this course on information product marketing business is worth several thousands of dollars considering how loaded it is, but if I charge you as much as that, would you be able to afford it?
The purpose of this writing is to help you overcome your financial miseries, therefore I would offer you this package at a price I know you can afford.
This course goes for $40 only
Did I Hear You Say It’s Much?
Well, It’s because I am giving you a license to PRINT MONEY. Imagine the profit you will be making monthly with that meagre one-time investment of yours?
I know you love special offers, so I am going to give you a very special offer right now. I hope you’ll be able to grab it.
Here it is…
If you are interested in paying for this course, here is what you must do to partake of my special offer.
There is a link to a web form below this webpage, you need to fill that form by submitting your name and email address. After filling out this form, if you are able to pay up for this product right now, you will only have to pay just $25 to gain access to the “Information Marketing Business Course”.
That is your own reward for being a go-getter.
As you already know, the normal cost for this guide is 40 USD. But if you fill out this form right now and you are able to make payment for the package right now after filling the form. Then you can go ahead and pay just 25 USD.
Meaning you must use your frequently used email address in filling out this form.
Fair Deal Right?
I’m Glad You Love It! If You Pay Right Now, You Will Also Get The Following Bonuses Alongside Your Package
These FREE BONUSES will help fast-track your success in this business, all at my expense…….That is your reward for being a fast-action taker!
- Over 120 pages of the BEST free tools and resources
- Links to 2,000 FREE tools and resources
- All in an easy-to-use, handy PDF
I would give you a Free e-book/Manual that would reveal to you how to purchase a mini Laptop from abroad for as low as $80 and it would be delivered to you FREE OF CHARGE!

Once your payment is successful, you will gain instant access to the course, the link to access this course would also be sent to your e-mail address.
You will download the books the same way you normally download songs and pictures online and you can print out the information marketing ebook and the bonuses if you want them in a physical form(Hardcopy).
If you still don’t know what an electronic book is, click here to download one of my free e-books.
You can read these ebooks on your Tablet, Mobile phone, or computer.
If you are interested in purchasing this package at 25 USD only and you also want us to include the amazing bonuses in your package,
Check Out What Other People Are Saying About This Course

Say GOODBYE to your terrible boss and HELLO to a better way of life. Subscribe to this package, study it, use it and make money from it.
Why work your butt off for an unappreciative boss, for small returns when your information marketing business can give you all the money you’ll ever want or need?
Why bother your parents for every bit of your needs when you can also create your own information product while in school and make money for yourself
Why involve in INTERNET FRAUD when you can be more prosperous with your legitimate information product marketing business
I can do without you. Whether you decide to purchase this package or not, whether you decide to join me in making money online or not. It does not stop me from making my own money all day, every day.
As a matter of fact, as you are reading this. It may even be that I am in the bank cashing my check or someone is probably at the bank trying to lodge money into my bank account for one of my information products.
So you see, telling you about this juicy opportunity would not have any effect on my personal income whatsoever and it won’t stop me from making my own money. The sky is wide enough for birds to fly!
Your financial status remains the same
Later in the future, you will feel very bad for not starting this business opportunity earlier than this. So the earlier you start the BETTER.
You have been losing lots of money all these days because you do not know about this online income opportunity or maybe you know about it but just don’t know how to get started. What you don’t know costs you money remember?
There is a need for every individual to think with their brain, we need to stop depending on our parents or Government for survival, rather, we should put our brains into proper use. The world awaits every young person who is ready to build his or her future. More are online that we can tap from. Internet fraud is never an alternative!
You have what it takes to succeed in Life, you only need the right information to guide you through. Take a life-changing decision today by subscribing to the information product marketing business training package.
Bookmark This Page Right Now And Take Action Without Delay…..
Look at it this way 25 USD is really a painless drop in the bucket to be able to get your hands on this TRAINING PACKAGE and start using it right away to improve your lifestyle!
You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In THIS AMAZING PACKAGE
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